Musical U membership provides access to a wide range of training modules for a monthly or annual subscription. You can learn more
It's our flagship program and designed to be "all inclusive" for everything you need in musicality training. However in certain cases there's a need for training which doesn't fit comfortably within the membership framework. For example our Foundations of a Musical Mind course was designed as a 6-week structured program to start from scratch with an outside instructor and following a particular methodology. It's very complementary to how we teach in membership modules but it couldn't have just been crammed into the membership system in a way that served our members well, and so it's offered as a separate standalone course.
Similarly, The Circle Mastery Experience is something quite different from what's covered in membership and so it made sense to give it its own space and let people purchase just the course or just membership without the course, as they prefer.
So you have the option to purchase The Circle Mastery Experience without needing to sign up for full membership. Or if you are a member, you have a choice of whether to add this course to your membership or not.
Membership and courses are all provided within the same secure training website so it's easy to upgrade to full membership later if you choose.
If you need advice on whether membership or one of our courses would be more suitable for your particular needs please contact or
give us a call and we'll be happy to help.