Musical U
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 From "Disgusted" To "Delighted"...
How Ordinary "Instrument Only" Musicians Are Suddenly Sounding Like Professional Singers, Using An Unusual “Colour Palette” Method Which Increases Vocal Range And Transforms The Sound Of Your Voice...
All While Using Just 30% Effort!
New 2-week training reveals the simple steps music learners can take to move beyond just “hitting the right notes” with singing and start sounding fantastic… Even if they have a limited range, have failed with “standard” vocal exercises before and weren’t born with a “natural” singing voice. 
IMAGINE if you could adjust the sound of your singing voice…

... just as easily and predictably as a synth or electric guitar player changes the sound of their instrument.
What if the next time you listened to yourself singing… 

Instead of thinking:

“Wow my voice sounds so weak and nasally when trying to hit those higher notes - Ugh I hate how my voice sounds!”

You instead found yourself thinking something far more empowering and exciting, like: 

“Interesting… it seems like I’ve unexpectedly hit the ‘passagio’ with those higher notes, I should try the ‘armpit oranges’ exercise in combination with some ‘zee yai yai yah’s to smooth that right out”  

And while transforming the range of notes you can sing and levelling up the tone and quality of your voice might seem like a near-impossible task…

When you follow one specific method it’s actually astonishingly simple and actually requires far less effort than anything you’ve tried in the past.
Here’s how it works
Strange as it sounds…
Changing how your voice sounds is like mixing paints.
You see, every colour you can possibly imagine…

Originates from just three simple base colours: red, blue, and yellow. 

And the reality is that an enormous spectrum of vibrant colour can be yours, if you simply understand what these base colours are… 

And how to mix them together to achieve your desired end colour. 
Mixing paints
It turns out that’s exactly how shaping the tone of your singing voice works as well. 
There are 6 fundamental characteristics of the singing voice.

And if you know what these 6 “base colours” are…

How to blend them together…

And where exactly you should use each of them for best effect…
You open up an entire spectrum of new vocal sounds with your voice…

Which you can tap into as reliably as an electric guitarist flipping a switch on an effects pedal.
And the best part?
When you follow this method you’ll be able to access a huge range of notes and sounds…

Without ever needing to use more than 30% effort.

Everything from piercing falsetto highs… 

To the belting notes of a pop diva... 

To the smooth 50s style croning of Sinatra…

All with just 30% singing effort. 
And now for the first time ever, YOU can learn the simple method and fascinating set of exercises that make all these results possible with: 
Colors Of Your Voice
Taught by international singer-songwriter, university music professor and expert vocal coach Fini Bearman, The Colours of Your Voice is a revolutionary two-week training that gives you the understanding, methods and support needed to improve and shape the tone and quality of your singing voice.
Normally available only inside the high-level Living Music membership program, for a limited time you can get full lifetime access to this powerful training for a single payment today.
 Important: Once the timer hits zero, this training goes back in our vault and we may never offer access to it again. 
Taught by world-leading improvisational singing expert Davin Youngs, Free Your Creative Voice is a unique two-week training course which gives you a simple, fool-proof roadmap and all the structure and support needed to finally release the amazing singing voice you never realised you had waiting inside you all this time.
Normally available only inside the high-level Living Music membership program, for a limited time you can get full lifetime access to this powerful training for a single payment today.
 Important: Once the timer hits zero, this training goes back in our vault and we may never offer access to this training again. 
Mary-Grace M.
“Really enjoyed this. I am finding all the techniques helpful to release vocal cord tension and being able to sing higher notes. Plus now I find myself finally practising daily voice exercises and song singing” 
– Mary-Grace M., Colors Of Your Voice student
“It’s so great that Fini shows us these techniques/exercises for improving our voices! Some of these exercises really make a difference. Love it!” 
– Bill S., Colors Of Your Voice student
Marcia M.
“I have also really enjoyed this course. The exercises are helpful and fun to do." 
– Marcia M., Colors Of Your Voice student
“To have a concept of the “effort scale” and singing around “level 3” is a complete game-changer for me. The lights went on! Also to understand how to get into falsetto. I love Twang! My range increased immediately. When it’s possible I am going to join a local chorus. I can do it. In the meantime I’ll sing around the house. These lessons have made a huge difference for me.
– Diane M., Colors Of Your Voice student
Diane M.
Here’s exactly what you’ll get inside The Colours of Your Voice:
  • Over 6 hours of lessons with a world-class vocal coach which will give you the understanding needed to vastly improve the sound and range of your singing voice (without ever using more than 30% of your max effort to sing). 
  • Fun, simple and unique vocal exercises to accompany each lesson giving you a clear roadmap to reliably change the tone and sound of your singing voice - in whatever way you choose. 
  • Live coaching examples - during the lessons you’ll see ordinary musicians applying these exercises and methods to improve the sound of their singing voice in real time (allowing you to “join the dots” and see exactly how this process works in a real world application). 
  • ​The Support Needed To Succeed. Doing anything alone can be difficult and scary but with this course you’ll have the support of other musicians on the same journey as well as the expert team at Musical U, who are always just one message away should you need any help. 
  • 24/7 LIFETIME Access.  You can go through this course at your own pace, whenever you want and as many times as you like!
  • $5 Of Your Payment Donated To Musicians Charity: To support the musicians around the world struggling to make ends meet, we are donating $5 of your payment to charity. Sweet Relief provides support to musicians in need.
  • A Guaranteed Path To Better Singing. This training is tried-and-true, and comes with a 100% satisfaction, 90-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

This Training Is Valued At $129 But You Can

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For Just $49!

Including $5 Donated To Sweet Relief, A Charity Supporting Musicians And Music Industry Workers

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This Training Is Valued At $129 But You Can

Get Instant Access Now...
For Just $49!

Including $5 Donated To Sweet Relief, A Charity Supporting Musicians And Music Industry Workers

Once you get started - the possibilities are endless.
After you apply these simple and truly unique vocal exercises…

You’ll quickly have your first breakthrough with singing…

And you’ll suddenly change how your singing voice sounds… 

(in a way you never thought possible)...

And this will change everything for you. 

Instantly you’ll feel both excited and empowered.

Those “hard to hit” notes or difficult songs that “don’t suit your voice” will transform from a source of frustration and disappointment...

… into compelling opportunities to shape and improve the sound of your singing. 

You’ll finally be able to unlock those songs you’ve always wanted to sing… 

… but just never had the confidence or vocal control to attempt. 

And this is true even if you’ve tried vocal exercises before and seen no results…

… because for the first time you’ll be tapping into the power of this “Colour Palette” method taught by a world-class vocal coach.
Here’s just a brief preview of all the exciting lessons and breakthroughs that are waiting for you inside this exclusive training:
  • What the 6 characteristics (or “base colours”) of singing are and how to use them to effortlessly shape the sound of your singing voice.
  • How professional singers actually adjust the key of a song (hint - it’s not about lowering the key to avoid notes you “can’t sing”).  
  • How a guitar player who lost the upper part of his vocal range due to old age - was able to almost instantly recover it by using one of the 6 “base colours” of the voice with some simple exercises. 
  • ​A collection of unique exercises that allow you to sing any note in any style with just 30% effort required (this includes the “armpit oranges”, “internal smile”, and “hand squeeze” exercises - to name just a few!)
  • ​How to seamlessly transition from your chest voice (lower register) to head voice (higher register) by using this unusual Swiss “cow herding” technique. 
  • ​Why Fini used to lift music stands into the air when singing her highest notes (even though most people would think physical exertion while singing would make the singing harder!)  
  • ​Two special questions that allow you to always find the perfect key for your voice (plus: how you can double-check this by using the “pull up” or “diva finger” tests).  
  • ​How combining and mixing the 6 vocal characteristics instantly expands the range of notes you can sing (with some easy step-by-step exercises that show you how).  
So if you want to learn all of this and more…

While developing a singing voice you can be proud of…

Simply act now to lock in lifetime access for just $129 $49 today.

Because once the timer hits zero - these lessons go back into our vault (possibly forever). 
Colors Of Your Voice
“There is so much value in these videos – there is SO MUCH to unpack, understand, accept, and to try.”
– Skip A., Colors Of Your Voice student
Skip A.
Alumt S.
“I was amazed that when listening to the radio this morning getting ready for work, I immediately recognized different kinds of vocal production in the singers. I never thought that it would be so distinct and that knowing about the different qualities of voice production could make such a change in the listening experience. I also realized that I could switch from one to the other, and use this in my singing. Great discoveries. Thank you Fini.”
– Almut S., Colors Of Your Voice student
“I’m amazed at how much easier singing through my break and in my upper range is when I’ve practiced the exercises... Thank you again for the wealth of clear, concise information, examples and exercises!”
– Karin C., Colors Of Your Voice student
“Boy there is a lot to learn about singing and Fini was a terrific coach.”
– Nancy G., Colors Of Your Voice student
Backed by Our 90-Day 
“Love It Or Pay Nothing” Guarantee
We are so confident you’ll love this training that we are giving you a full 90 days to try it out for yourself, risk-free. 

At that point if you’re not delighted with the lessons, and pleasantly surprised at the mental and physical transformation you’ve experienced with your singing voice…

Then we simply refuse to keep your hard-earned money. So if for whatever reason you are not satisfied, simply send an email to for an immediate, hassle-free refund.

So the only risk you face right now is missing out on this course (which goes back in the vault soon) and never discovering the powerful, elegant singing voice you’ve had all this time, but were never shown how to access. 
About Musical U
Musical U is a London-based music education company which has been providing online training for musicians since 2009.

Every month hundreds of thousands of people visit our website to learn about modern musicality training and we're honoured to serve passionate music-learners through our membership program and courses.
Musical U membership is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars on public Google Reviews.
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Musical U products and training material have been featured in leading websites and publications worldwide, including: 

The Musical U Team

Musical U Team
Musical U Team
Christopher Sutton
Christopher Sutton
Andrew Bishko
Andrew Bishko
Head Educator
Anastasia Voitinskaia
Product Assistant
Adam Liette
Adam Liette
Director of Operations
Stewart Hilton
Community Conductor
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Zac Bailey
Community Assistant

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- David Andrew Wiebe
Music Entrepreneur HQ
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“Musical U is one of the best, most devoted resources on the internet for musicians who are serious about growing their musical skills. I am constantly amazed at the depth of insight and the quality of resources that are available."
- Natalie Weber
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Leila Viss
"The guidance and content found at Musical U is outstanding for those seeking to find their musical voice as well as those who've found it and need support to further their skills and creativity."
- Leila Viss
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"Fantastic ideas and inspiring insights into learning, playing and teaching music."
- Glory St. Germain
Ultimate Music Theory
David Reed
“What makes Musical U a great place to learn music is their atmosphere of caring about their students and really sharing the joy of music. It's a refreshing and welcome resource for all music lovers.”
- David Reed
Improvise For Real
Scott Sharp
"For those of us willing to seek it out, we now have the ability to invite the best musical instructors from all over the world into our homes to teach us the ideas that can open up the world of music to us. Our friends at Musical U are some of the best of the best!”
- Scott Sharp
Fretboard Toolbox

 Limited-Time Offer
This Is An Opportunity Not To Be Missed!

Colors Of Your Voice
Frequently-Asked Questions
Q: What happens at the end of the course, can I keep the material?
Yes. You’ll have lifetime access to the material even after the 2 weeks are over, including support for as long as you need.
Q: Is this suitable for beginners? Do I need to know music theory?
The course is designed to be 100% accessible to beginners. No prior knowledge required.

The unique teaching method means we’re able to go seriously deep and cover even quite advanced topics without it ever seeming complicated or overwhelming.
Q: What if I get stuck or need help?
At Musical U we specialise in helping adult music-learners succeed with online training materials.

Any time you feel stuck, confused, have a question or need help, our team will be standing by and happy to help. 

The first option is to post in the discussions you'll find throughout the course. Our team will be in there every day answering questions and providing any clarification or tips required.

The second option is to contact our team directly if you'd prefer to receive help privately. You can do this by email or using the message system on the site.
Q: I only have a mobile device, can I still take the course?
Yes. Our online training website is compatible with all modern internet devices and web browsers.

As long as you have some type of web browser (e.g. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge) on your device, you will be able to take the course successfully.
Q: Do I need to have a "good singing voice" to use this training?
In short - nope!

Singing well is not some innate ability that some people possess and others do not. 

The reality is that singing is simply the act of moving air through your vocal cords in a particular way...

So it’s really no different than learning to play any other wind instrument.

That’s why trying to sing well without having been given the right training or practice... 

Is about as unlikely as picking up a trombone without a single lesson and expecting to produce an impressive performance!

As long as you’re willing to apply the simple lessons in this training, you’ll have everything you need to unlock your free, confident and creative singing voice.
Q: How is this different from other singing courses?
Almost all other singing training focuses on repertoire (learning songs) or specific vocal techniques, and assumes you “can sing” and are pretty happy with the sound of your voice.

The Colors Of Your Voice was specifically created for adult musicians who are just getting the hang of singing, and have maybe spent their whole lives thinking they have a “bad voice” or “can’t sing”.

With this unique training you’ll learn the many ways you can adjust and explore the possible sounds your voice is capable of producing.

The result is that you will come out at the end of this short training feeling confident—even proud—of the voice you sing with.
Q: I want to improve my singing but I’m too shy to sing around others - how will I use this training? 
There are many ways to sing without anyone hearing you!

Here are a few examples…

• Sing when you are driving alone in your car.

• Walk or drive to an empty area (like a deserted car park) so you can sing there.

• Hum instead of singing so that you don’t make as much noise.

• Turn on a hair drier whilst singing so that it masks the sound to nearby roommates or neighbours. 

• Sing into a pillow (or use a voice dampening box) to reduce the volume of your singing.

• Wait until the house is empty before singing. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list! But this should give you some ideas that can show you how you could get started with this training, even if right now you don’t want anyone hearing you sing.

(... and I bet that will change by the end of the training! :) )
Q: Aside from improving my singing, will this help my musicality in other ways?

In fact, because you’ll be using the most expressive instrument on earth (the human voice) with musical improvisation exercises…

You’ll likely discover a whole range of musical ideas that you can later explore with your instrument. 

Maybe you’ll be trying to improvise a vocal melody with an “Ah” sound, and stumble upon a catchy hook that turns into your next song.

Or perhaps you’ll create a vocal rhythm section using a simple “Bu” sound and accidentally discover a funky bass line. 

Once you get started, the possibilities are endless. 

But even if you don’t uncover a single new idea with your voice…

(which is incredibly unlikely)... 

By learning to explore new sounds and ideas without judgment, you’ll likely find that this helps you improvise and create more freely with your instrument too!  
Q: What if it doesn't work for me?
Hundreds of musicians have shown clearly that this can work incredibly well, even for instrument-players who never thought they’d be able to sing and sound good.

But you don’t need to take my word for it or trust in those examples.

Thanks to our 90-day “Love It Or Pay Nothing” guarantee, you can go through the entire training before deciding if this was worth your money.

During those first 90 days, if you are not completely satisfied with the personal transformation you’ve made with your singing voice - then simply email for an immediate and hassle-free refund. 

If you're not delighted (for whatever reason) then we refuse to keep your money. 

So the only risk you face here is missing the fast-approaching deadline and never discovering the true singing voice you’ve had inside you all this time…

Any Other Questions?

We're a people-first company and put heavy emphasis on providing personal support to ensure each and every person who comes to us succeeds with their training.

So if you have any questions about this training - or even if you just want to talk to a real human about whether it's right for you personally, please get in touch!

We'll be glad to help :)

You can:
Just click here or email and put "Find Your Creative Voice" in the subject line.
You can phone our office directly to speak to a member of the team:

- Telephone (US): +1 (415) 230 0296

- Telephone (UK): +44 203 290 2961

 Limited-Time Offer
This Is An Opportunity Not To Be Missed!

Colors Of Your Voice
© 2022 Easy Ear Training Ltd. / Musical U. Musical U is not a university and does not issue credentials.